If you are interested in having Dr. Seemiller speak to your organization or at an event/conference, please follow the instructions listed below. Dr. Seemiller personally reviews every request she receives.
- Select one or more of the programs you are interested in from the Gen Z Programs page.
- Read the Terms and Conditions.
- Email Corey Seemiller at drcoreyseemiller@gmail.com with the Inquiry Email Information listed below.
- You will receive confirmation of your inquiry and information about the availability of your requested date and time. You may also schedule an informational meeting to discuss options.
- Once a date and time have been confirmed for your virtual program, you will be required to submit payment before the event. You will receive an invoice with a link to make payment. Please note that there is a 3.5% credit card/PayPal processing fee.
Inquiry Email Information
- Name
- Organization/Institution
- Location
- Phone Number
- Description of Event She Would Speak At
- Speaking Topic
- Length
- Date of Event
- Time of Event
- Any Other Comments
Please note that Dr. Seemiller is often able to do virtual speaking events on shorter notice, but on-site events typically book 6-9 months in advance.
Media & Press Interviews
Dr. Seemiller is delighted to interview with TV, radio, podcast, online, and print news sites for articles, pieces, and stories that are readily accessible to the public. If interested in an interview for a report, proprietary document, or piece for internal use or for members only, please inquire about a paid consulting session with Dr. Seemiller.
For interviews, please contact Dr. Seemiller at drcoreyseemiller@gmail.com.
General Inquiries
One of the best parts of Dr. Seemiller’s work is connecting with people and forming a community and she’d love to hear from you. Please email Dr. Seemiller at drcoreyseemiller@gmail.com and she will get back to you as soon as she can.